Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Flat

One of the hardest things to do when a loved one dies is to pack away their material possessions. It's difficult when there is a room of things to go through. But, how about an entire apartment? That's what the film maker and his family had to face in this documentary, "The Flat."

The film tells the story of Gerda Tuchler, who with her husband Kurt, fled Germany in the 1930s and fled to Palestine.

When the film begins, Gerda has just died, and the family is meeting at the flat to begin to box up her belongings. Some items are precious to the family and are kept. However, the majority of items, about 95% of what is in the flat, is thrown in the trash or donated to charity. 

While going through Gerda's belongings, her family members find pictures of her and Kurt with another couple, vacationing. Who is this other couple? They then find Nazi propaganda in the apartment. Why would Gerda keep Nazi propaganda? What is the link?

The mystery that unfolds in this film is stranger than fiction. What began as a task to empty out his grandmother's flat shortly turns into investigating ties to the Nazi party.

Heartbreaking, riveting, thought provoking, "The Flat", now available on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Prime, and YouTube. Three stars.

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